The Proopis Family Tree Page
The Proopis Family Tree Coverage
First, Second, and Third Generations
Monday, Feb 12, 2001 at 11:30 PM EST, by
• Unknown Proopis
• sp. Fanny
• William Proopis
• sp. Beatrice
• Max Proopis
• sp. Mildred [Minnie]
• Bernard Proopis
• Mildred Kanare
• sp. Harry Kanare
A Quick Comment
Some Miscellaneous Facts
Monday, Feb 12, 2001 at 11:30 PM EST, by
I spoke with Beatrice Proopis a few years ago. She did not know her husband's Father's name, but was able to tell me that the Father was born in Vitepesk in Russia. I am not sure if Vitepesk is a place in Russia or that was the Father's name. He (the Father) died in Brooklyn.
Proopis Family Tree Coverage
Found on the Social Security Death Index
Monday, Feb 12, 2001 at 11:30 PM EST, by
Found on the Social Security Death Index, are the following names, date of birth, date of death, last residence, but not the street number or street, Social Security Number, State Issued.
Name | Birth | Death | Last Residence | Last Benefit | SSN | Issued | Tools |
27 Oct 1912 | 04 Aug 1997 | Delray Beach, Palm Beach, FL |
(none specified) | 056-10-1755 | New York | SS-5 Letter |
04 Mar 1910 | Jul 1975 | Woodmere, Nassau, NY |
(none specified) | 063-22-8575 | New York | SS-5 Letter |
23 Oct 1912 | 11 Oct 1989 | Delray Beach, Palm Beach, FL |
(none specified) | 086-09-3139 | New York | SS-5 Letter |
07 Apr 1923 | 21 Apr 1983 | Delray Beach, Palm Beach, FL |
(none specified) | 090-12-1572 | New York | SS-5 Letter |
Prupas and Propas Family Tree -- (Canadian)
Notes and Email
April, 1993, by
April 1993 This is from a list someone gave me, maybe Richard Propis. -- Blake
(516) 374-5687 Proopis, William 234 Cedarhurst Ave. Cedarhurst, NY 11516
(516) 295-2468 Propis, RichD 1359 Hewlett Ln Hewlett Harbor, NY 11557
January 25, 2000 I spoke with Beatrice Proopis a few years ago. She did not know her husband's Father's name, but was able to tell me that the Father was born in Vitepesk in Russia. I am not sure if Vitepesk is a place in Russia or that was the Father's name. He (the Father) died in Brooklyn. When I spoke with Beatrice Proopis, she lived in Cedarhurst, NY.
Tuesday February 08, 2000 Ida Proopis' Declaration of Intention indicates
her status on Born at: Witebsk Russia
I will bet that Witebsk is the same Vitipsk that the Yale Proopis letter mentions
"Older sister married Kagan in Vitipsk
- had two sons and three daughters. Her son Mich came to America.
He was sent by the Russian government to purchase machinery in 1938."
Another quote from the letter: "Rachel's (Aba's sister) husband,
left for America and was not heard from since.
She had a son that went to America named Rivkin, married to Bessie."
Rivkin : may or may not be hard to find documentation on him.
r> She had a son that went to America named Rivkin, married to Bessie."
Rivkin : may or may not be hard to find documentation on him.
February 9, 2000 Inquiry for photocopy of the actual application for a Social Security card
for Max Proopis. I may not hear from the Social Security Administration
for up to six months. I am hoping to get Max's father's first name.
February 10, 2000 I sent a letter to Beatrice Proopis asking for the following:
Did I get any information wrong in William’s family tree as diagramed above ?
Have you heard of any of these stories from the letter ?
Do you remember what William’s father’s name was ?
Can I please have the names of your children and nieces ?
Were their any boys born from Max, Bernard, or yourself ? (I believe back in 1993 you might have told me no.)
Was William, Max, Bernard, and Mildred all born in the United States or overseas ?
Would there be anyone else in your family that has some of these answers, or is interested in any other findings that come out of my research from the Proopis Families ?
I do not know what kind of health Beatrice Proopis is in, or if she is even alive. However, the phone number I have for her still rings. I tried calling but no one answered today. -- Blake
Prupas and Propas Family Tree -- (Canadian)
- Friedman
- Nuchan Yitschok
- Benjamen
The Prupas Family Tree -- (Canadian) -- Lost Families
The Proops Family Tree -- (Amsterdam) 1640 to 1792
- Joseph Proops
- Devora
- David Proops
- Solomon Proops
- Proops Family History
- Printers' Remarks
The Proopis and Propis Family Tree
- Yoal Proopis Updated Feb 1, 2001 10:24 PM EST
- Michel Proopis
- Abraham Proopis Updated Feb 2, 2001 5:55 PM EST
- Bella Hozz
- Rachel Rivkin
- FirstName? Kagen f.
- Proopis Family History
The Proopis Family Tree -- (USA)
Lost Propis/Prupis/Proopis Families
If you are familiar with any of the Families listed above, or are part of the listed Families,
and found any inaccuracies that can be corrected, please e-mail me at
originally created: January 25, 2000