The Proopis and Propis Family Tree Page - Letter
The Proopis and Propis Family Tree Coverage - Letter
How I got this letter
Wednesday, Feb 28, 2001 at 4:15 PM EST, by
This letter was given to me by Richie Propis. It presents a history starting with Yoal in Russia and tells different stories about Yoals children and Grandchildren. Independently, I have the Declaration of Intention, Petition For Naturalization, Affidavit of Witnessess, and Oath of Allegiance for Abraham and Ida Proopis. I received the documents from Elaine Kolinsky in 1993. I received the letter from Richard Propis.
Wednesday, Feb 28, 2001 at 4:30 PM EST, by
Yanovitch - a city or town in Belarus
Hebraist - student of Jewish law ??
five year plan - pyatile'tka - between aprox. 1930 and 1980, 5 year economic plans with goals
Vitipsk - a city or town in Belarus, north-east of Minsk, spelled Vitebsk.
The Letter
Wednesday, Feb 28, 2001 at 4:30 PM EST, by
Grandpa Yale, Grandpa Leon's grandfather, was overseer for absentee landords. He managed large land estates outside of the city and bought and sold cattle and grain. He was very ORTHODOX. His wife is Channah.
Grandpa Yale was a medicine man on the outskirts of Yanovitch on an Estate. He took care of the health needs of his small community. He was also a Hebraist. Bella (Ann Hozz's mother) cut off her toe with a scyth and her father, Grandpa Yale took care of it and there were no scars. He used herbs and plants. All the peasants were serviced by him. He used the medicinal information in the holy books. Grandpa Yale and Channa had 7 or 8 children.
Grandpa Aba (Abraham) Proopis (Leon's father) and Michel, his older brother, were employed by the Siberian Railroad. Aba left for America in 1905. Michel stayed - he went north to Siberia and became a wealthy man.
Michel became an important merchant. He imported teas and spices and lived in Siberia. He had four children and was jailed by the Bolsheviks. He was a rich man, later released by Stalin to help with importing and five year plans. He died of cancer.
Grandpa Aba (Leon's father) escaped Russia without notifying the family. He lived in Brooklyn. Shortly after his arrival, he met Isreal Pestanoff (or Pestonovitch), (Ida's father) in Shull. He intoduced Aba to his daughter Ida. They lived in Brooklyn, Staton Island, and Rockaway Beach. They bought a home in Brownsville Brooklyn, also a summer home, a boarding house on the beach. Grandma Ida had five brothers, Barney, Harry, Manny, Sam, Max and three girls, Ida, Rose and Becky. Lean was born on March 12, 1911. Bela, Ann's mother, arrived in America in 1923. Rachel's (Aba's sister) husband, left for America and was not heard from since. She had a son that went to America named Rivkin, married to Bessie. Another sister lived in Yanovitch. Older sister married Kagan in Vitipsk - had to sons and three daughters. Her son Mich came to America. He was sent by the Russian government to purchase machinery in 1938. He was a top engineer with other engineers. Only Aba and Bella, Rachel's son Rivkin came to America.
Ida was a beautiful tall women. Aba was a handsome, sweet, caring man about 5 ' 8.
The Proopis and Propis Family Tree Coverage
First, Second, and Third Generations
Tuesday, Feb 6, 2001 at 12:30 AM EST, by
• Yoal Proopis
• sp. Channa
• Michel Proopis
• Abraham Proopis
• sp. Ida
• Leon Yoal Propis
• Anna Rochelle
• Bella Hozz
• Rachel Rivkin
• FirstName? Kagen f.
The Proopis and Propis Family Tree Coverage
A Quick Comment
Some Miscellaneous Facts
Tuesday, Feb 6, 2001 at 12:30 AM EST, by
I had received information on Abraham Proopis from Elaine B. Kolinsky. Around the same time I recieved a letter from Richie Propas, who drew me his family tree. There on the picture was Abraham and Ida, and their children Leon and Anna. I had matched up what I thought was two different Proopis families.
Proopis and Propis Family Tree Coverage
Prupas and Propas Family Tree -- (Canadian)
- Friedman
- Nuchan Yitschok
- Benjamen
The Prupas Family Tree -- (Canadian) -- Lost Families
The Proops Family Tree -- (Amsterdam) 1640 to 1792
- Joseph Proops
- Devora
- David Proops
- Solomon Proops
- Proops Family History
- Printers' Remarks
The Proopis and Propis Family Tree
- Yoal Proopis Updated Feb 1, 2001 10:24 PM EST
- Michel Proopis
- Abraham Proopis Updated Feb 2, 2001 5:55 PM EST
- Bella Hozz
- Rachel Rivkin
- FirstName? Kagen f.
- Proopis Family History
The Proopis Family Tree -- (USA)
Lost Propis/Prupis/Proopis Families
If you are familiar with any of the Families listed above, or are part of the listed Families,
and found any inaccuracies that can be corrected, please e-mail me at
originally created: January 25, 2000