1- Created The Insert Query for member below. 2- run SELECT * FROM member to make sure the Insert Query took. 3- used the program supplied with the book to run the query in the memberDirectory database 4- run test04 to see if it works. INSERT INTO member (loginName, password, createDate, lastName, firstName, street, city, state, zip, email, phone, fax) VALUES ("mmouse", "secret", "2008-07-04", "Mouse", "Mickey", "123 Main Street", "Disney Land", "CA", "90210", "mmouse@disney.com", "555-555-5551", "555-555-5552") INSERT INTO member (loginName, password, createDate, lastName, firstName, street, city, state, zip, email, phone, fax) VALUES ("gsmith", "password", "2008-08-08", "Smith", "Graham", "220 Bloomfield Ave.", "Iselin", "NJ", "08830", "gsmith@smith.com", "123-123-1234", "201-634-8471") Program from page 197 (plus additional lines to open and close the database connection. This becomes test04.php \n"; ?> \n"; ?>